School & Classroom Refurbishment

School & Classroom Refurbishment

Your Ideas, needs and design

Our free design and costing service* is where your ideas and requirements combine with our design skills and experience in working within schools and colleges to produce designs for your ideal classroom learning space. We work with you to produce either a formalised classroom design from your own ideas, or we can offer a number of alternative designs based on our experience of what our other clients have found to work well. Whichever you choose, we work with the relevant building bulletin guidelines to ensure compliance as well as functionality and design. Give our teams your classroom, and we transform that vision into reality.

Your new classroom - from design to realisation

Our teams, overseen by one of our experienced project managers, will strip out your old classroom, including redundant services, install new services as required, fit new floors, ceilings, lighting, and decorate to your specifications. We install new bespoke fixed furniture specific to the room, and once final connections have been made and commissioned, we hand the transformed space back to you.

the finishing touches for your project

We enjoy being able to deliver a complete service and can provide the loose furniture for your classroom refurbishment projects, too. We can supply specialist equipment such as fume cupboards, advise on white goods, and offer suggestions for the finishing touches to complement and complete the project.

Considering A Refurbishment?

If you're considering a refurbishment of any kind, we would be delighted to help in any way that we can and would welcome the opportunity to assist and develop your ideas.

Considering A Refurbishment?

If you're considering a refurbishment of any kind, we would be delighted to help in any way that we can and would welcome the opportunity to assist and develop your ideas.

Considering A Refurbishment?

If you're considering a refurbishment of any kind, we would be delighted to help in any way that we can and would welcome the opportunity to assist and develop your ideas.